Hello and welcome to my blog. In past years, I mainly wrote book reviews here, but have now expanded to articles on social issues as well as topics that interest me. I also re-publish writing I’ve done for other forums or publications.
I tend to hop around from hobby to hobby, but over the years, two of my most consistent ones have been reading and writing. I aspire often to be a fiction writer and have written numerous short stories and half-finished manuscripts, but I find that non-fiction writing, particularly expressing my thoughts about the world, comes more naturally to me. That’s part of what inspired me to shift from book reviewing to articles on my blog recently.
In addition to writing on Medium, I also occasionally publish articles for The Outlook, a monthly publication for West Valley, California. I also submit to writing contests, and recently got an honorable mention on the ninth week of The New York Times’ annual reading contest. I absolutely adore writing, especially when I’m struggling emotionally or need a place to escape to.
Aside from reading and writing, one of my other biggest hobbies has been linguistics. I love researching anything related to languages, words, or language families. I’ve always believed that languages are vessels of culture, and through learning about other languages, I can learn about cultures as well. I’m currently well-versed in two languages and familiar with another two, but I hope one day to immerse myself in more.
A final favorite hobby of mine would be neuroscience or psychology. There are few things I find more fascinating than the human brain. In particular, I love learning about abnormal psychology and other interesting psychological phenomena. Since I can code in Python as well, I love connecting my interest in psychology to AI models, such as convolutional neural networks. My interest in psychology and psychological knowledge definitely affects my writing, both fiction and non-fiction.
More than any specific area, however, I love consuming knowledge in general, specifically in written form. My biggest goal with my blog is to spread information through my writing, and I sincerely hope reading my blog can help you learn something new. Thanks for visiting!