The importance of literacy skills for a successful lifeHow perceptions of literacy skills in recent years continue to negatively impact students and their future careersNov 17, 2024Nov 17, 2024
The Effects of Being “Chronically Online” and How It Distorts Our View of RealityFrom rabbit holes to celebrity worship, news sensationalization to propaganda, the Internet constantly takes advantage of our attention.Feb 19, 2024Feb 19, 2024
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: A Reflection of Society’s Obsession with Productivity and…Revenge bedtime procrastination, or staying up hours past bedtime to be productive, is a sign that we need to re-evaluate our priorities.Mar 4, 2023Mar 4, 2023
To Kill a Mockingbird: A Heartfelt Story About Innocence and Life in the SouthTo Kill a Mockingbird pulls readers in with its soft and sweet storytelling and leaves them stunned with its extraordinary insight.Apr 17, 2022Apr 17, 2022
The Truth Behind LiesThe dangerous, unseen effects of lying on our mental health, relationships and wellbeingFeb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
5 Definite Signs of IntelligenceHere are five shocking yet decisive signs that your mental capabilities may exceed what you think.Nov 22, 2021Nov 22, 2021
Six Things Writing Has Taught MeHere are six pieces of advice that writing has given me that not only made me a better person, but also a better writer.Jul 20, 20211Jul 20, 20211
Breakfast at Tiffany’s: A Romance Novella That Everyone Should Read At Least OnceBreakfast at Tiffany’s is a famous novella by Truman Capote, but why exactly did this charming and unique book do so well?Jun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
The Boy In the Striped Pajamas: A Dark Yet Gripping StoryThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas is an incredibly popular Holocaust fiction novel by John Boyne that even inspired a 2008 film directed by…May 21, 20211May 21, 20211
His Dark Materials: A Marvelous Trilogy for All Fantasy ReadersHis Dark Materials is a fantasy series for young readers consisting of three titles: The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
The Outsiders: An Engaging and Heartbreaking Story That I Will Never ForgetThe Outsiders is a life-changing novel that you won’t be able to put down: you will be smiling, laughing or tearing up at every turn.Mar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021
Writer’s Block: Why It Occurs and How To Overcome ItWriter’s block may seem like a detrimental obstacle to writers, but it is easier to overcome than you thinkFeb 26, 20211Feb 26, 20211
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: How Did Tom’s Character Change By The End?Here are a few ways Tom Sawyer changed from the first page of the novel to the last and a few ways how he remained constant throughout.Jan 30, 20211Jan 30, 20211
The Famous Five, RankedHere is are the protagonists from Enid Blyton’s adventure novel series The Famous Five ranked.Dec 28, 20201Dec 28, 20201
Top 5 ‘Little Women’ ChaptersDisclaimer: This article contains spoilers about certain parts of Little Women, so I do not recommend reading this if you are planning to…Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
The Seven Harry Potter Novels RankedNote: I have ranked the books in a similar order to how they come in the series, so it may seem like I am simply ordering the books…Oct 24, 2020Oct 24, 2020